Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust to upgrade the Antrim Hills Way

Posted on December 15th, 2014 · Posted in Latest News

Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust to upgrade the Antrim Hills Way

The Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust (CCGHT) are working with Larne Borough Council to upgrade access furniture (posts and stiles) and install discreet interpretation along 18km of the Antrim Hills Way thanks to funding from the NGO Challenge Fund, administered by Northern Ireland Environment Link.

CCGHT, established in 2002, is a charity devoted to protecting and enhancing the unique heritage of the Causeway Coast & Glens. CCGHT manages three Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs), including the Antrim Coast and Glens.

The walk may be popular for its beautiful vantage points and rural setting, but it is also a site of great geological discovery with 22 unique minerals being discovered here in the 1920s and 1930s. Minerals such as Larnite, Scawtite and Rankinite were discovered at Scawt Hill and reported globally. The area’s contribution to petrogenesis is recognised internationally, but little is known locally.

These upgrade works will see 22 interpretation panels installed recognising and explaining the wonderful geology underfoot. The signs will be discreet pull out panels housed inside standard looking waymarker posts, minimising clutter in the rural landscape.

Upgrade works are predicted to be complete by Easter 2015.